Re: How to detect a sniffer

Perry E. Metzger (
Sun, 07 May 1995 14:08:35 -0400

Terje Normann Marthinussen says:
> content-type:text/plain;charset=us-ascii
> mime-version:1.0
> > Search - very well.
> [ how to detect a sniffer description deleted ]
> Hmmm.. 
> I'm not really sure why, but I have this feeling that it _might_ be easier
> to crypt all the data instead and then just let them sniff :)

Not to mention the fact that it was largely bullshit. I'd like to see
someone successfully electron micrograph all the components of a Cisco
router and still have the thing be functional afterwards. However,
"Dr." Cohen is entitled to his fantasy life.
